Wide Range of Classes
Choose from variety of options, including classes that teach climbing-focused techniques, strength training, and forearm- and core-specific training. These courses are accessible to all skill levels, from beginners to more advanced students. However, we recommend attending our CLIMBING MOVEMENT class if you are new to Summit or new to climbing.
*Check the class listings for further descriptions and availability. The schedule is subject to change.*
Core, Grip, Mobility
This class challenges your core strength by focusing on dynamic elements such as suspension work, balance, isometric holds, and much more.
Climbing Movement
You’ll develop and perfect proper climbing technique during this course. Essentially, you’ll practice how to practice. Good for beginners and experienced climbers.
Climbing Fitness
Enjoy a hands-on, non-linear periodized course. This class offers a full-body workout through high-intensity climbing. Elevated heart rate is the name of the game.
Strength Training
Whether you’re a climber or not, you’ll have fun using all of Summit’s toys during this unique workout.

We are a community-driven training facility.
Develop skills that take you higher.
One-on-one training, class and group sessions, technical rock climbing skill clinics, open gym, membership options, youth climbing team, and sport specific training
01. Personal Training
02.Group Training
03. Youth Coaching
04. Training Plans
Clinics For Every Climber
Summit clinics focus on climbing and strength fundamentals. Through these 5- to 6-week clinics, you’ll build on the basics to understand more complex movements. Then, you can incorporate those lessons into your own routine.