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Opportunity for growth in unmet goals

We’ve all been there—months of dedication, early mornings, intense training sessions, and countless sacrifices to achieve a goal that’s been driving us forward. Whether it’s completing a marathon, hitting a personal record in the gym, or mastering a challenging skill, we throw ourselves into the process with the hope that hard work will equal success. But sometimes, despite all that effort, we fall short.  That however is an opportunity for growth.

When you’ve invested so much into a goal, falling short can feel like a failure. You might question whether the hours of training were worth it. You might compare yourself to others who seem to succeed effortlessly. 

But here’s the thing: unmet goals are not the end of the story. 

Instead of viewing the unmet goal as a failure, what if we see it as an opportunity for growth? As Coach Kubi has often said, “Injury is an opportunity.” We can use it as a parallel to view unmet goals as opportunities. As well as using unmet goals as time for reflection. What went right? What could have gone differently? Sometimes it’s not that we didn’t work hard enough, but rather that we need to adjust our approach, refine our strategy, or give ourselves more time.

The goal may not have been realistic for this moment in your journey, and that’s okay. Adjusting a timeline or redefining what success looks like isn’t giving up. It’s being wise about how to grow from the experience.

And let’s not forget the bigger picture. At the heart of every goal is the desire for self-improvement, for pushing limits and expanding what we believe is possible. Even if the goal is still out of reach, the fact that you’ve put in the effort means that you are already growing. An unmet goal doesn’t erase that growth; in fact, the challenges along the way only deepen it.

So, when you reflect on unmet goals, remember: that you’ve built resilience, discipline, and inner strength. The beauty of goals lies in our ability to constantly adjust them. With every setback comes the opportunity to move forward stronger than before. Keep going, keep growing, and trust that the journey itself is just as valuable as the destination.

Tess Kachiroubas