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The body Hinge and how to train it properly

The Body hinge is a fundamental movement pattern crucial for strength, athletic performance, and injury prevention. Here’s why training it is essential:

The Body Hinge

1. Builds Posterior Chain Strength

The hinge primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, strengthening the posterior chain, which is vital for power, stability, and proper movement mechanics.

2. Improves Athletic Performance

Sports and activities like rock climbing, weightlifting, sprinting, and jumping require explosive hip extension. A strong hip hinge enhances speed, agility, and power output.

3. Protects the Lower Back

Many back injuries stem from poor movement mechanics. A proper hip hinge ensures spinal alignment, reducing stress on the lower back by distributing the load efficiently.

4. Enhances Everyday Movements

From picking up objects to standing up properly, the hip hinge is involved in daily activities. Mastering it reduces the risk of injury and improves overall movement efficiency.

5. Foundation for Key Exercises

the body hinge

Exercises like deadlifts, kettlebell swings, Romanian deadlifts, and good mornings rely on a strong hip hinge. Training it correctly improves form and maximizes strength gains.

6. Reduces Knee Stress

A proper hip hinge shifts the load from the knees to the hips, helping people with knee pain or injuries by minimizing unnecessary stress on the joints.

How to Train the Body Hinge

  • Drills: Bodyweight hinges, dowel rod hinges, band-resisted hinges
  • Exercises: see below
  • Cues: “Push your hips back,” “Keep your spine neutral,” “Engage your core”
1RM testing

More Body Hinge movements

Here are some of the best hip hinge strength training movements to develop posterior chain power, improve movement mechanics, and enhance athletic performance:

1. Deadlifts (King of Hip Hinge Movements)

  • Conventional Deadlift – Full-body strength and power
  • Romanian Deadlift (RDL) – Focuses more on hamstrings and glutes
  • Sumo Deadlift – Wider stance, more hip and adductor engagement
  • Trap Bar Deadlift – More knee-friendly variation

2. Kettlebell Swings

  • Builds explosive hip drive
  • Improves power, endurance, and coordination
  • Great for climbers and athletes needing dynamic hip movement

3. Hip Thrusts & Glute Bridges

  • Barbell Hip Thrust – Maximizes glute activation
  • Glute Bridge (bodyweight or weighted) – Foundational movement for hip drive

4. Good Mornings

  • Strengthens the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings
  • Great for reinforcing proper hinge mechanics

5. Single-Leg Variations (Improves stability and reduces imbalances)

  • Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
  • B-Stance Romanian Deadlift (for unilateral strength without balance challenges)

6. Cable or Band Pull-Throughs

  • Great for learning explosive hip extension
  • Less strain on the lower back compared to deadlifts

7. Jefferson Curls (Advanced)

  • Strengthens spinal flexibility while maintaining control
  • Great for mobility and climbers needing spinal resilience

Keith Kubiesa