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training plans

This plan features various fingerboard workouts (endurance, limit bouldering, and projecting) and a separate forearm-specific workout. It also includes core and anaerobic breathing work.

This is just like the Get Jacked at-home plan, except it adds one day of fingerboard training.


This is the same as our No Climbing Wall Access Fingerboard Plan, but it adds a pull-up progression. We recommend using it during a period when you aren’t climbing as much.


Complete the workouts in this plan anywhere you want—your home, a park, a truck stop, down by the river, etc.

This plan goes all-in on the fingerboard. We recommend you use it during a period when you aren’t climbing as much.

This plan involves a fingerboard ladder set followed by various core and mobility movements and a deadlift progression.

This plan takes you through a climbing power circuit progression. It works well for those who have home boulder walls.


Summit clinics focus on climbing and strength fundamentals. Through these 4 to 6 week clinics, you’ll build on the basics to understand more complex movements and workout structures.  Then, you…

Grip Strength

This class challenges your core strength by focusing on dynamic elements such as suspension work, balance, isometric holds, and much more.

moon board dogs

You’ll develop and perfect proper climbing technique during this course. Essentially, you’ll practice how to practice. Good for beginners and experienced climbers.

Enjoy a hands-on, non-linear periodized course. This class offers a full-body workout through high-intensity climbing. Elevated heart rate is the name of the game.

Box Lunge

Whether you’re a climber or not, you’ll have fun using all of Summit’s toys during this unique workout.